


ENEA is the National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development. It is a public body aimed at research, technological innovation and the provision of advanced services to enterprises, public administration and citizens.

ENEA has highly qualified personnel, advanced laboratories, experimental facilities and excellent instruments for the realization of projects, studies, tests, assessments, analyses and training services, with particular reference to product and process innovation and the valorisation of results to contribute to the development and competitiveness of the national economic system.

Since its foundation in the 1960s, its strengths have been applied research, technology transfer and technical-scientific support to companies, associations, territories, central and local administrations: for this reason - unlike other research institutions - the Agency depends on the Ministry of Economic Development. Its focus sectors are energy technologies (renewable sources, energy storage, smart grids), for which the Agency is also the coordinator of the Energy National Technology Cluster, nuclear fusion and nuclear safety (the Agency is the reference national research coordinator), energy efficiency (with the National Agency for Energy Efficiency), technologies for cultural heritage, seismic protection, food safety, pollution, life sciences, strategic raw materials, climate change.

Among the emerging issues, ENEA supports the productive system as well as public authorities (Ministry of environment and Ministry of economic development in particular) in the transition towards the circular economy and the resource efficiency. ENEA reinforces its efforts by collaborating with numerous national and international research bodies and institutions like Texas Tech University, Stanford Research Institute, New Delhi University, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, ICTP, TWAS, and participates in technological platforms and networks like EERA (European Energy Research Alliance), ECRA (European Climate Research Alliance), MEDENER, and Enterprise Europe Network, the largest network of services supporting competitiveness and innovation for SMEs.

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Lungotevere Thaon di Revel, 76
00196 Roma (RM), ITALIA
Tel. +39 06-36271

website: www.enea.it

   go to the Co-Organizers list


Dr. Federica SCROFANI

Tel. +39 06 49766676
Mob. +39 339 7714107
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.